Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Magnetosphere 0.1 Beta Released! (ITunes plugin)

Quoted Directly from http://www.ipodhacks.com
Barbarian Software has just released version 0.1 beta of Magnetosphere, hands down the most amazing looking and mesmerizing iTunes visualization plug-in we have ever seen. To quote its creator:
Here is this thing that does stuff in iTunes. There is magnetism, there is gravity, but on top of all of that, there is awesomeness. Watch as all the dots and ribbons go bouncy bouncy when you play music and trigger this mo-fo of a visualizer. This is the future of visuals. God help you if you smoke the reefer cause you can kiss your productivity goodbye.

If you are even remotely amused by the standard iTunes visualizer, you owe it to yourself to check out Magnetosphere. This plug-in is available for iTunes for both Mac OS X and Windows.
Barbarian Software has just released version 0.1 beta of Magnetosphere, hands down the most amazing looking and mesmerizing iTunes visualization plug-in we have ever seen. To quote its creator:
Here is this thing that does stuff in iTunes. There is magnetism, there is gravity, but on top of all of that, there is awesomeness. Watch as all the dots and ribbons go bouncy bouncy when you play music and trigger this mo-fo of a visualizer. This is the future of visuals. God help you if you smoke the reefer cause you can kiss your productivity goodbye.If you are even remotely amused by the standard iTunes visualizer, you owe it to yourself to check out Magnetosphere. This plug-in is available for iTunes for both Mac OS X and Windows.
Happily, despite the amazing visuals, Magnetosphere is not the most CPU or GPU-hungry visualization plug-in out there. [UPDATE: ...though, after enjyoing Magnetosphere on our 3GHz quad-Xeon Mac Pro w/ ATI X1900 XT gfx, we note that it pushes our 1.42GHz G4 Mac mini a little harder... Amazing!] Take hold!
This sound pretty cool, I'll be sure to check it out...


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