Wednesday, May 30, 2007
In Brief | Random Picture

Posted by
Adam Taylor
7:37 PM
1 Thoughts About It
Labels: alone, broom, digital photo, photo, picture, random, self, self-standing, standing, surface
HowTo: Fly With TB
How to fly with tuberculosis? Just fly to Canada and drive into the U.S.!
Let's pretend your infected and want to fly to your European wedding, then just go through Canada on your way back and avoid American law enforcement!
This Gridskipper blog post describes one man's journey to avoid American authority, go to his wedding in Greece and his honeymoon, then fly back to Canada, and his drive to Georgia, where he was quarantined for the first time in a long while.
What kind of idiot would do such a thing? Especially when it risks the lives of many people who were on the planes. A terrorist indeed. ;-) ~Adam~
Posted by
Adam Taylor
7:21 PM
Thoughts About It
Labels: America, Asia, Canada, deadly, disease, Europe, flying, gridskipper, gridskipper.com, infection, Quarantine, rare, tb, terrorism, tuberculosis
Sunday, May 20, 2007
How To Give Your Photo A Movie-Like Quality
I find this to be a very useful tutorial. It completely transforms my photos, it's amazing.
Posted by
Adam Taylor
5:33 PM
Thoughts About It
New Name Change?!?!?
New Name Change?
Yes, that's right. The Notebook News Blog is expanding a lot, (that part is still a work in progress...) and we have decided to rename it. Of course, the question pops up, what to name? You know what we provide, (if not, review the blog so far,) and only readers can decide on a name. (We are also working on directing more readers our way, too :) ) What good is a lot of great news if we have to make it fit in a Notebook? None, so help us decide on a new name.
There will be new features with the updated blog, such as;
- more interactive web features,
- we are trying to bring a better podcast,
- and a forum, for when we get more readers and supporters.
Supporting us by offering ideas of helping us out with the blog would be greatly appreciated and worth it. So, please do it.
~Adam Taylor
Tags: blogspot, blogger, grimsnotebook, adam, Adam Taylor, taylor, new name, name change, podcast, web features, updates, expansion, forums, news, feeds, Quama, support, please help
Powered by Qumana
Posted by
Adam Taylor
4:29 PM
Thoughts About It
Labels: adam, adam taylor, blog, blogspot, change, expansion, feeds, forum, grimsnotebook, name, new, new features, new name, news, NoteBook, taylor, updates
New Flickr slideshow embedder!
With flickrSLiDR, all you have to do is paste the URL of the picture, username, photoset, slideshow or whatever else you would like to wave around, set the parameters for the slideshow (basic only =[) and you're done. It's a very useful and user friendly tool that should become a part of Flickr. (Of course, that won't happen. :( )
~Adam Taylor
flickrSLiDR [via etc blog]
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Oprah's Polydactyl
Oprah's Polydactyl
Posted by
Adam Taylor
3:38 PM
Thoughts About It
Labels: 102.3, blog, fm, oprah, polydactyl, six toes, the max
Monday, May 14, 2007
Currently: Secret ;) Update
A great forum to bash Jagex and talk about what they are doing wrong!
~Adam Taylor
[Currently: Secret ;)]
Saturday, May 12, 2007
The Trojan War Blog is No More!
There is a war. A very strange war that started a few hundred years ago in Europe. This war is a war against the evil powers of, The Trojan Horse.
~Adam Taylor
How To Replace Important Documents
How to replace lost or destroyed documents;
This interesting bargaineering blog entry explains a few methods of replacing lost important documents such as;
Marriage Licenses (Or divorce papers)
This blog should be checked out if you need to replace anything.
It's not like you purposefully lose anything, but every person loses something in their life. it doesn't matter who or what you are. And quite frankly, you'll lose something important.
This financial blog has a few good tips on how to handle replacing these documents besides yelling, screaming, cussing and/or crying about it. (Besides, that never gets you anywhere...)
~Adam Taylor
How to Replace Destroyed or Lost Important Documents
Posted by
Adam Taylor
7:31 PM
Thoughts About It
Anti-Jagex Discussion!
The Anti-Jagex Forums
The Forums to Discuss the Corruptness of Jagex Moderation...
My friend recently introduced me to this awesome new forum that her and her friend put together. Currently: Secret ;) is a new forum so that Ruenscape members, players, or ex-players can discuss how coprrupt the Moderation System for Jagex is. I am a registered member of this forum and cannot wait to see how big it becomes. I am registered as grim.artist.
This forum includes the main three strikes against Jagex;
- Strike 1: User Searches
- Strike 2: A Newspaper
- Strike 3: No Spam?
This is a very interesting forum that should definately be checked out.
To ad some more pizzazz to this post, I am including a funny YouTube video of Runescape called 99 Cabbages.
~Adam Taylor
Tags: 99+ruenscape+cabbages, anti-jagex, jagex, anti, runescape, forum, discussion
Posted by
Adam Taylor
4:17 PM
Thoughts About It